Sunday, March 6, 2011


Loved ones!  Hello!

It is Carnaval time in Brazil.  And I cant keep up!

I am safe and happy, and lovin the sequins and feathers.  I left my computer at my new apartment in Santa Maria, and am not on the internet often right now.  I will soon post pictures of this week and fill you all in. 

One revelation:
Contrary to passed confidence, I am not that great of a dancer in Brazil.  Which hurts a little....

But Brazilians dont care.


  1. Thanks for you're you'll become a great dancer.. :-) love you,..

  2. Yay. Learn how to dance so you can come teach me. Who needs Brazil when you have a sister who lives there? P.s. Study abroad trip through Pittstate May 15thish. Going to Paraguay then to Brazil to see the falls. I'm thinking about going but it's kinda pricy...could be fun fun fun. Depends on if I'd get to see you or not though. Be safe. xoxo


  3. Wait a minute, I thought that you were off the grid.

    Don't go on the trip. If you're gonna spend that much money, just come down to see me and I'll take you to the falls.
