While in Campina, I met so many nice, nice people, who overwhelmed me with churassca and bolachas and cerveja and beijoes. The Easter bunny visits here, too, and I came home with about a half-kilo of chocolate and four jars of homemade pickles. 'Totally overwhelming' seemed to be the theme for the entire weekend. We went for a walk and I asked Carla what type of tree was growing along the streets.
"Canela," she says, distractedly.
"Sim, canela."
"Para sobremesas?"
Click, click, click go the gears up top. After some time, something decides that this is, in fact, real life and not a dream.
"WHAT? Where am I?!"
I am in Rio Grande do Sul. And these very common trees- the ones that I walk by everyday and pay nearly no attention to-are cinnamon trees. Cinn-a-mon. I broke out in Double Rainbow fashion.
Everyday. Something new, and usually quite unexpected.
I had my first prova on Monday for Agricultura Especial, which went okay, I think. I had another today in my wine appreciation class. Next week- wine tasting! For now, it fun to have to have a good excuse to try new wines at our apartment.
"It's homework. Duh."